YCAA Chair Liz introduced the forthcoming Somerset Writers Get-Together, taking place on Saturday 15th June.

Writing can be a really enjoyable but solitary hobby and can be so rewarding by joining a writing group to share our work. The YCAA – Yeovil Community Arts Association – together with the Yeovil Creative Writers group are inviting authors, poets and ‘fun’ writers to come together. Somerset is a huge and glorious county; we may be in south Somerset, but we would welcome meeting fellow writers and poets to get together for time to listen and to chat. A chance to read a short story up to 300 words, or read one of your poems of up to 20 lines, and meet accomplished authors.

This is a free event, but donations would be welcome in a bucket, and it is an opportunity for authors, whether published or not, to come together, meet each other and network between our numerous groups.

There will be a chance to sell books, or pamphlets and anthologies. Bring a book to swap with another pre-read book that needs to be read to give it a future.

The Westlands Entertainment Venue in Yeovil has plenty of parking space, has a wide lunch menu and full bar for refreshments. We are meeting between 3pm – 5pm but I’m sure if you arrive before you can start to chat and share stories. Writers are natural communicators so this will be a stimulating afternoon where we share our love of the written word.

Below is our poster and you can reply to say who will be coming using info@yeovilarts.co.uk.

We look forward to seeing you there so spread the word!